Organic and biodynamic winemaking

• To the vineyard

We propose solutions as an alternative to conventional and industrial viticulture, both for the ecosystem and for the health of consumers. Most conventional winemakers who want to make healthier wines start with a conversion of the vine and their working philosophy.

The next step is to adopt methods that give life back to the land by utilising natural techniques in the vineyard: biodynamic, synoptic, regenerative, permacultural or agro homeopathic are all fully compatible with organic farming.

Alternative solutions to conventional and industrial viticulture

The principles and practices of these techniques involve topsoils supporting beneficial plants, using preparations, polycultures, working under the influence of lunar and planetary rhythms. Also introducing flocks of sheep, recovering local seeds, native plants, providing humus, fostering self-sufficiency, sustainability, pollinators and biological biodiversity to get a soil full of life. These are some of the key differences in our guarantee of quality certification for those that participate with us.

For now, although scientists are not yet able to endorse these techniques, more and more vineyards are using them, each with their own ideas. with our team will support any producer who wants to turn a vineyard into a living system and make natural wine.